The fifth unique artistic bench is named “Imprints of Time” and is located by the Water Tower on Lent in Maribor. Its creators are the Forbici family members: academic painter Jernej Forbici, academic painter Marika Vicari, and artistic director Vladimir Forbici. The bench is made of metal and wood. The ceremonial unveiling took place on 11 December 2015.
Jernej Forbici completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in painting with honours at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. Graduated painter Marika Vicari exhibits as a visual artist across Europe. The Forbici family runs the Cultural and Arts Society Art Stays with the FO.VI Gallery in Strnišče near Kidričevo.
The story of the bench
The bench is conceptually and thematically linked to water and wine, influenced by its location by the Drava River and the wine collection in the medieval Water Tower. The main motif of the central column of the bench is a raft, reflecting the fact that the Maribor Lent area by the Drava River once had a rafting dock.