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Fifty years of Forma viva in Ravne na Koroškem (1964–2014)

At the end of the 1950s and at the beginning of the 1960s, in Europe and elsewhere in the world, several sculpture symposia were founded. The initiatives, for the most part, came from the artists themselves. According to Janez Lenassi, one of the creators of the international Forma viva in Slovenia, they ‘emerged as a reaction to the conditions in culture, which diverged from the declared aims of development and conformed to the practice of everyday life’. Artists, especially sculptors, experienced the political and economic (that is, consumerist) mentality of the hyper-productive way of life – which, in plastic arts, contented itself with soulless solutions in the spirit of ‘modernist design’ – as a threat to the freedom of artistic creation. They resisted the anonymous production of artefacts for the broadest possible market, for they did not want to transform their studios into assembly-line production halls. They turned to classic sculptural materials. They tried to be attentive to the laws of the material and to work in the ideal conditions of sustainable attendance to the primary expressions of the environment and in the limitless extensions and dimensions.

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