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Chalices and Ciborium

Plečnik’s chalices and ciborium are kept in the parish office in Zgornje Stranje. The first chalice from the left is a festive chalice, dated to 1947. It has jointed buttresses which are decorated with reliefs of St. Benedict, St. Martin and the Lady of Sorrows. The second from the left is weekdays chalice, made in 1950.

The third from the left is for Sunday Masses, dated 1950. His specialty is a three-footed dark stand that would,by tradition,symbolize the Holy Trinity. Its form referencesa rotunda which, at that time,was planned by Plečnik for construction in Bosnia. The fourth chalice was meant for the chapel on Velika Planina. It was made between 1950 and 1951.

The ciborium is quite simple by design. On a cone stand, there is an oval bowl with a cover in the form of a flattened globe.At the bottom of a stand, there is a relief inscription, and above it,three dark stone layers.


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