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The home cooked worker's meals

Before the factory canteens were introduced, housewives took care of the workers’ meals − be it for their husbands or for single workers who paid women to cook for them. In the Interwar period and immediately after WWII the menus were much simpler than those listed below due to the general scarcity of ingredients. However, the gradual raising of the workers’ standard was reflected primarily in a better, more abundant diet. The most popular dishes that can still be found on the tables of Jesenice families to this day are presented.
1. Meat from the beef broth, Govnač stew (potato puree and white cabbage), Apples in batter
2. Ájmoht stew with either žganci or ‘vaseršpoclni’ dumplings Snowballs (whipped egg white and sugar boiled in milk and served in vanilla sauce) or strudel
3. Bean stew, Marmalade pancakes
4. Gipsy goulash, Buchteln (sweet rolls made of yeast dough, filled with jam) or angel wings
5. Prežganka (roux soup), Meatballs from broth-meat leftovers, Horseradish sauce, Potato salad (with cucumber)
6. Vegetable soup, Plum dumplings, Compote
7. Barley stew with dried meat, ‘Šmorn’ (Kaiserschmarrn, i.e. sweet scrambled pancakes’ with jam)
8. Dried pork ribs or neck meat, Endive with potatoes or another seasonal salad, Eggnog
9. Meat in vinegar and hard-boiled eggs, Black bread, Baked apples
10. Mešta (potato žganci), Sour turnips
11. Mashed potatoes and beans, Apple mousse

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